White Label of Payment Gateway Aggregation Model

MMADpay has developed an innovative and a complete white label capable payment management platform. It is entirely brand-able and technically resilient, making it suitable for companies of all sizes, from startups to multi-national corporations.

We try our level best, to deliver the merchant a user experience that is easy to use and secure to use in their everyday transaction needs. Take advantage of our unique white labeling services which are exclusively tailor-made for your business needs. If you wish to process payments branded with your own corporate identity, but don’t want the hassle of dealing with various payment processing entities, developing a network for hosting and managing those payments.

Subscription Model

What All Do You Get

  • Complete Branded Payment Page and Merchant CRM.
  • Our Software Application / Payment Engine.
  • No Need of go through the tedious process of being PCI DSS certified
  • Our Server Infrastructure to be used.
  • Ride on our Bank, Acquirer and Branded Wallet Tie -Ups.
  • Instant Go-Live without any waiting.
  • Complete Technical Support on, as per need basis.

What All Do You Save

  • Effort of Designing the Entire Application Software..
  • Effort of Designing the CRM and Payment Pages.
  • No need of going through the hassle of doing a Direct Tie ups and Integrations withBanks and Branded Wallets.
  • No Need of designing complex diagrams for Server Infrastructure for the deployment of the application.

What All You Need to Do

Absolutely Nothing: We are here to provide you the entire Backend & Technical Support so that our Clients can concentrate on Sales & Marketing.


  • Need to add Powered by MMAD Pay at the Bottom of the CRM and Payment Page.
  • Agreement will happen between Merchant & MMAD Pay.

Terms & Conditions

  • One Time Set Up Fees (Non Refundable to be paid in Advance)
  • AMC Charges to be Paid at the Start of Every Year.
  • Transaction Cost Invoice to be raised on 2nd of every month. To be cleared in one week of raising the invoice.
  • Non Payment of Any Invoice may result in Discontinuation of Services with Immediate effect.

Hosted Model

What All Do You Get

  • Complete Branded Payment Page and Merchant CRM.
  • Our Software Application / Payment Engine which is already PCI Certified.
  • Help you in designing & deployment of server infrastructure with leading Data center like AWS, Net Magic, Microsoft (Azure) etc.
  • Complete Technical Support on, as per need basis.
  • Complete Development Support for the new features
  • Support in getting you through PCI DSS Certification.
  • Help in the Tie Ups with Banks and Other Branded Wallets.

What All You Need to Do

  • Shortlist a Data Center so that the Application can be deployed.
  • PCI DSS Certification procurement.
  • Tie Up with Banks and other entities to accept payments.

What All Do You Save

  • Effort of Designing the Entire Application Software.
  • Client saves 50% of the PCI DSS certification time since our application is already PCI DSS certified.
  • Clients save a lot of time on the Integration front. Integration already done with some acquirers and net banking banks along with branded wallets already.
  • No Need to go through the process of hiring COSTLY developers as we take care of the entire development.


  • Client will not get the rights on the Application as it is taken on Leasing Basis.
  • Any Developments which needs to be done on the Application will be done by MMAD Pay Team.

Who Needs White Label?

  • Ecommerce Service Providers
  • Banks and Financial Institutions
  • Independent sales organizations
  • Acquiring banks & Acquirers
  • Large multi-tier organizations
  • Franchises

Key Features

  • Fully brandable
  • PCI DSS Certified
  • Easy Integration
  • Global Payment Methods
  • Global Interchange System
  • Multi Channel and Multi Currency Payments
  • Powerful real-time reporting
  • Fraud Management
  • Recurring Payments
  • Excellent support services